

The tc-200 arrived today and i gotta admit i am very excited to see it in action. My original plan was to go test it out today but since darkness came so "suddenly" i figured it was for no use to even try. If you're new to this blog you might wanna suffle back a few writings to discover my speculations and specs about this cadget.

When i first got my hands on the teleconverter i have to say i was little confused. Firstly i had some minor problems figuring out how adjust D2X's "No cpu lens data" part. In the end it was pretty simple: knowing that the 300mm's minimum aperture is f4 and knowing that the teleconverter will double the light needed, i set minimum aperture on the "no cpu lens data" on f8. All in all this means in practice that when i manually set my 300mm's to marked minimum aperture of 4 , my camera will understand that actually it needs to double that for balanced shots. It continues to next step, when i manually set the aperture to f5.6, the camera understands to pick f11 instead and so on. This was actually me thinking too complicated again.
Someone in to photography may think that how does it affect anything because actually by doing all these things will not affect to the size of the "aperture hole". Instead it will change the cameras behavior on the metering: the camera light meter understands that for proper exposure it needs to take x amount of light more because of the teleconverter.

It is yet to be discovered how does it affect - or does it affect the image at all to set the lens's focal length in to the "No cpu lens data" sheet. My current quess is that it will show only in Exif data sheet, but time and experience will tell. The second problem is which focal length to set on the data sheet? Its a 300 mm nikkor acting like 450mm nikkor on a crop body and with teleconverter on it will act as 900mm nikkor.
Also theres the issue on depth of sharpness on images. One has to keep in mind that cameras f8 is propably purely because of the metering, not the sharpness. Actually the "aperture hole" on f8 with this setup is still f4 in means of physichal size. If anyone reading this blog knows about these matters, i would ask him kindly to enlighten me on this a bit.

Tomorrow i have 3 hours time between lessons to test shot with and without the teleconverter. I also planned to take some wildlife shots. If im very lucky i just might return with pictures of woodpeckers.

Ill take with me the usual setup, 17-55, 300mm, Slik pro II tripod and a pack full of patience. The newcomer tc-200 will show whether its a useful part of my gear or just few extra grams to carry around. We'll see tomorrow!


TC-200 attached to 300mm

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